199 - Helicopter Remote Control

plastic play scene with helicopter, 2 clockworks, by means of two levers vertical and horizontal control possible, hook underneath the helicopter to pick up a truck (included). The "base station" is the same as used at the 120 Sky Rocket. I do not have any information about this game regarding date of production or prices. At least it appears on page 3 in the 1968 novelties - but NOT marked as such. Either red or bright green plastic caps on the control levers.

Novelty 1967 - available until 1969

Seize: 360 x 250 x 75 mm

Version 1:

The clockwork key is placed to right side of the control levers. The left lever control the altitude - the other one the forward movement (ONLY forward movement possible). The Rotor is red or orange. D.B.P. is printed left below the altitude lever - the "Biller-B" right of the movement lever. The inscription D.B.G.M. ABROAD PATENT PENDING MADE IN WESTERN GERMANY is printed on the bottom front of this game

 overview front close-up right side without inscription and without the hollows for the truck the hook

Version 1 overview

front close-up

without inscription and without the truck-hollows

the hook

Obviously this toy was bad designed. Trying to use the hook will fail because this version only moves anticlockwise. Also the movement lever flips back to "move" position - even though it should flip back to "Stop" position. Possibly a spring was hooked-in in a false manner - but this must have been factory wise - this game has never been opened so far.

Version 2:

The clockwork key is situated between the control levers. Left lever controls altitude - right lever lets the helicopter fly forward OR backwards. The rotor is red, orange or yellow - the landscape now shows 2 small hollows just above the truck-ramp on the right side. The truck could be placed in there without moving away while the helicopter flies backwards in order to pick up the truck. The "Biller-B" is now printed to upper right side of the movement lever - D.B.P. and D.B.G.M. ABROAD PATENT PENDING MADE IN WESTERN GERMANY is now printed on the right bottom surrounding of the landscape.

together with box - and orange rotor overview - and red rotor front close-up right side with inscription and truck hollows

Version 2 together with box

Version 2 overview

front close-up

right side with inscription and truck hollows


Version 3:

general as the 2nd version - however: The rotor is yellow - The Base Station is now striped in red and white - D.B.P. - D.B.G.M. - ABROAD PATENT PENDING - MADE IN WESTERN GERMANY is now printed on the LEFT bottom surrounding of the landscape

together with box yellow rotor base station left side with inscription

Version 3 together with box

helicopter with yellow rotor

striped base station

left side with inscription


Un-punched tin. Seize 70 x 52 cm - 29 Helicopters, 6 base stations and 32 pairs of the main landing gear plus 1 spare wheel. These parts were used for the 090, 185 and 190 helicopters as well.

Finally the trucks belonging to this game - check the iron frame behind the cabin - for the hook of the heli. The trucks have a wheelbase of 29 mm which fits perfect into the hollows of version 2 and 3.

 Manufacturer of these trucks was Manurba - which stands for Manfred Urban, Bamberg. And now showing 10 different colours of this truck.

generated: JUN-24-2001

last update: MAR-01-2009